Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The Wrong Tale: A Checklist for Long-Tail Implementations

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The Wrong Tale: A Checklist for Long-Tail Implementations. This is an interesting article, examing what is necessary to be successful as a long tailer. However, just like Chris Anderson, I think Guy overlooks the importance of the search engine firms in connecting buyers & sellers. If buyers need to find sellers, they invariably turn to search engines.

Rule 4 suggests that sellers need near zero selling and marketing costs. Yet, more of the search engines are already driven by an ad model and google has already stated in a recent legal case that its search rankings/listing are an expression of free speech and which implies they don't need to "treat everyone fairly". As such, search engines may be able to exercise greater control over who is successful in the long tail.

Anyway, check out the article - its definitely thought provoking.

posted by John Wilson @ 12:41 AM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


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