The minimalist approach

In response to a "design" comment left the other day, I've changed the design of the blog. No more pink!

I'll try it and see how I feel about it in a few days.

posted by John Wilson @ 2:56 PM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

much nicer
good move

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Hawkeye said...

Research does show that when reading on a screen reading black on a bright, white background is very tiring on the eyes, though of course some colour on colour combinations can be impossible to read. Research also shows that white space tends to drag people's focus away from the content. But it is worth changing things from time to time even if you eventually decide you shouldn't have.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

but font size is too large, especially on header about..

Catcha also painful

At 9:02 PM, Blogger John Wilson said...

William, thanks for the suggestions. Anything else? Not sure what i can do re the captcha coz I think that's blogger standard.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nope, as anything else would be subjective and there one size does not fit all. I think your layout is much better as content is now more prominent and hence easier to consume. This is pretty important as folk are pretty fickly on what blogs they support, e.g. I used to read SMStextnews but no longer. Content post their recent refit is now isolated as a small chunk of the left hand sidebar. Madness. Nor did they ask for feedback on their new layout. Further madness.

So kudos to you on redesign and also for seeking feedback.


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