Facebook is still motoring

Kulveer Taggar provides an interesting summary of a talk Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook co-founder, on the business that included:

1) the biggest growth demographic is 25-34
2) there is big growth in the 50+ age group
3) facebook serves 70,000 photos a second. A SECOND.
4) they have 700m news stories generated (per month I think)
5) they are adding *half a million* new users each week, which should mean 50 million users by the end of the year
6) they are guesstimating they have 1/10th the number of search queries Google does worldwide internally on facebook
7) over half of their users log in daily (compare to say, 15% ish for MySpace, if they're lucky)
8) 1% of all internet time is spent on facebook
9) At any given time, there are maybe 1-2 million people online, that's larger than most US cities

This is a remarkable internet titan but which is still derided for not having sold out when it "had the chance". Yet, it's hard to believe that an internet property like this wouldn't command a staggering sale price.


posted by John Wilson @ 10:23 PM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


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