Artists have it tougher than website owners

I took sometime out yesterday to attend Battersea Art Fair with my wife, which is held in Battersea Park London.

As we walked round the stands, I was reminded of my conversation with Paul Lomax, when he'd mentioned to me that his focus groups had identified people would allocate about 5 seconds to decide if they liked a website.

It struck me that artists have it tougher than website owners in attention terms. We spent 90 minutes at the show, in which time we reportedly saw about 4,000 images. Many of the stands didn't appeal to our taste and so we literally cast our eye over the inventory and continued walking. Those pictures that did captivate us held our interest much longer and for a few we deliberated a purchase.

More significantly, I suspect that the conversion ratios described in the SWSX slide decks are better for websites than for many artists.

posted by John Wilson @ 3:22 PM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


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