Every Bedouin will get one - a Mojopac Wednesday, September 27, 2006
“With MojoPac you can turn any portable storage device - an iPod, USB flash or hard drive, even a cell phone or digital camera memory card- into your PC. Simply install the MojoPac software on your favorite device, copy your files, select the applications, settings and environment preferences you use regularly, and MojoPac will mirror the capabilities and functionality of a private and secure PC. Whenever you plug your MojoPac enabled storage device into a Windows XP based PC, MojoPac will automatically launch, magically turning the host PC into the customized and private PC you enjoy at home, work or school. Instead of lugging your computer/lap top, you can pack up your entire PC and carry it in your pocket wherever you go.“
Assuming it works, this is perfect for the mobile worker. Carry your PC config round on a USB flash and simply plug into a business internet cafe PC and off you go, without leaving a trace behind, which is good for the cafe owner too.
posted by John Wilson @ 10:45 PM Permanent Link