Gruvr has hit the groove Friday, September 21, 2007
Gruvr is a cool mashup of google maps and live event/show information.
You can specify a location and a radius to see details of upcoming shows, as well as looking for gigs involving specific bands. The app appears to make use of the Eventful API.
The map pans around the around highlighting events, with varying degrees of location accuracy and perhaps a little too fast, but fortunately there is a table of events.
There's also a hatful of widgets you can use and the integration with MySpace is a key element.
The only bizarre thing is that the site contains no details of who is behind the site and how to team up with them - if anyone knows please get in touch with me as I'd love to chat with them.
Labels: bands, gruvr, live events, mashup
posted by John Wilson @ 9:29 PM Permanent Link
- At 8:41 PM, gruvr said...
I saw you listed gruvr in your coverage of music sites - we love the theme of
your blog and thought you
might like to see this
There's lots of detail on the page create more detailed posts... we are
releasing this news over the weekend.
gruvrdad & gruvrdude