TuneSquare - defintely not square

Ad-funded download service are bursting out all over. TuneSquare has a new take-on the matter though.

Unsigned acts supply content that you can play and rate on the site, as well as download. The smart thing is that whilst you listen, the site plays video ads in a stylish player. Of course, you can be listening whilst viewing a different browser tab, but that's no different from ignoring commercials on the TV etc.

As they report on the site "Our business model works by showing a flash-advertisement during the time a song is played. 50 percent of the total monthly ad revenues, from both flash and static advertisements on the site, is divided by the total number of downloads all songs receive during the same period."

What's interesting about that element is that is you only qualify for a share of revenue if your track is downloaded, not if it is listened to on the site, even though the revenue is generated when the tracks are played on the site.

It might be fairer to also add in time spent on an artist's page as well, which is obviously measurable.

posted by John Wilson @ 5:11 PM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


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