Free Sugarsync is a sweet deal for Blackberry & iPhone users

I use a few auto back-up & sync tools in parallel including Live Mesh and Drop Box, supplemented by cloud storage services like ADrive, Live, Flickr, Google docs etc which I access via the excellent Gladinet application that makes them virtual drives within windows explorer.

So when I saw SugarSync had released a free service with 2gb online storage included I wasn't overly excited as it seemed to be a poor substitute for my existing services. However, I then spotted its' trump card - a native blackberry app which allows a user to access their files from their device AND to sync changes made using Documents to Go back to the PC. Likewise, photos taken on the Blackberry device can automatically be synched. Finally you can send files held within SugarSync from your device.

Multiple devices can be linked to a User's account and their files made accessible.

Since installing SugarSync on the Blackberry, I've had no problems and have been impressed with the features above, as well as its ease of use. Moreover, it has happily co-existed with my existing desktop sync services on the same folders and files, and now provides an additional layer of comfort.

Sugarsync has similar native apps for the iPhone amongst others.

Definitely worth installing.

posted by John Wilson @ 10:03 PM Permanent Link No comment,

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Anagram for Blackberry

Anagram is a free app for the Blackberry which simplifies the creation of contacts and diary appointment from emails on your device. Similar to desktop apps like grabit, by highlighting the relevant text in an email, Anagram creates and populates the fields in a new record which you can elect to discard, edit/save.

As someone who uses a blackberry extensively, I'm familiar with the inconvenience of creating a record manually from email signatures and so immediately recognise the benefit Anagram offers.

In my tests, I found it gave mixed results, having most trouble distinguishing between titles, companies & addresses. Yet even where it did slip up, it normally grabbed the phone & email details accurately and hence had saved some time/effort.

Happy to recommend it.

posted by John Wilson @ 12:59 PM Permanent Link 1 comment,

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