Oysters at London 2012

During a chat today with a senior executive of a global ticketing business, he mused that the tickets for London 2012 Olympics would actually be embedded within the expanding capabilities of Oyster cards.

Having recently gone from being a mobile wallet for travel fares, Oyster cards can now incorporate a debit cards from Barclaycard and Barclays Connect Visa cards following an exclusive contract between Barclaycard and TranSys, the consortium which runs Oyster card in partnership with Transport for London (TfL).

Adding ticketing entries onto the card seem an obvious evolution - money, travel and tickets in one personal card. It would screw the secondary market since your entry would be embedded into the card, in an even more effective manner than email tickets.

We also chatted about the opportunities email ticketing creates for an upsell - still want a souvenir ticket? No problem sir! For an extra £3.99 we will be happy to send you one separate from your email ticket.

More cunning though is the opportunity to actually create a proper secondary market that can be monitored and regulated easily if you have immobilised the record of ticket ownership via Oyster cards or email tickets, since by the same process as operates with share registration, you can easily transfer ownership centrally and enable the operator to collect fees in the process!


posted by John Wilson @ 11:39 PM Permanent Link newsvine reddit


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